A great collection of funny jokes suitable for parties.
This APP is in HINDI.
Hindi short stories. Presenting a unique collection of hindi short and funny stories (hasya kahaniya). These short stories will make you laugh. Read and memorize these stories and then share it among family and friends, you will be regarded as that cool guy with best sense of humor. These funny stories are short as a story but long for a JOKE (chutkula / Chutkule ).
Hindi Hasya Kahaniya - read and share unique long jokes which are less known but very funny. Read and see for yourself.
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Большая коллекция смешных анекдотов, пригодных для сторон.
Это приложение находится в хинди.
Хинди рассказы. Представляя уникальную коллекцию хинди коротких и смешных историй (Хася kahaniya). Эти рассказы заставит вас смеяться. Прочитайте и запомните эти истории, а затем поделиться им в кругу семьи и друзей, вы будете рассматривать как тот крутой парень с лучшим чувством юмора. Эти забавные рассказы короткие, как история, но долго в шутку (chutkula / Chutkule).
Хинди Хася Kahaniya - читать и делиться уникальные длинные шутки, которые менее известны, но очень смешно. Читайте и убедитесь в этом сами.
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A great collection of funny jokes suitable for parties.
This APP is in HINDI.
Hindi short stories. Presenting a unique collection of hindi short and funny stories (hasya kahaniya). These short stories will make you laugh. Read and memorize these stories and then share it among family and friends, you will be regarded as that cool guy with best sense of humor. These funny stories are short as a story but long for a JOKE (chutkula / Chutkule ).
Hindi Hasya Kahaniya - read and share unique long jokes which are less known but very funny. Read and see for yourself.
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